
Through the power of Extended Reality devices, you can revolutionise how your workforce are trained with real-time learning, audits and inspections.

Real-time training

Training your workforce needs to be an efficient and accurate process so that your new frontline workers get up to speed with your processes safely and effectively.

Through Extended Reality devices, your frontline workers can refer to real-time data like images and videos, taken from more experienced members of your team to see best practices and most effective ways of working.

This creates a safer working environment for your team and allows for better productivity across your entire workforce.

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Accurate audit and inspection

If your team is being assessed, whether it's a health and safety audit or internal inspection, it can take up valuable time for auditors to get across your workforce, especially if you have multiple locations.

Through Assisted Reality devices, your workforce can record their working sessions in real time and take photos of their processes that can be referred to later, from any location across the world.

This not only allows a more efficient and quicker assessment, as well as more data to refer to for internal training and education.

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